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SKAI Token and Incentives


Fueling the Ecosystem

The SKAI Token is the lifeblood of the SKAINET ecosystem, designed to incentivize participation, govern the network, and facilitate transactions.

Key Roles of SKAI Token

  • Incentivization: Rewarding users for contributing computational resources.
  • Governance: Allowing token holders to participate in decision-making processes.
  • Access: Providing priority access to network resources and services.

Earning SKAI Tokens

During Beta Phase

  • Points System: Users earn points by contributing resources, engaging with the platform, and referring others.
  • Conversion: Accumulated points will be converted to SKAI Tokens upon the stable release.


  • Resource Contribution: Ongoing rewards based on uptime and computational power.
  • Staking: Users can stake tokens to receive additional benefits and influence governance.


  • Total Supply: To be announced, designed with sustainability and fairness in mind.
  • Distribution Model: Aimed at preventing exploitation, with measures against farming and dumping.
  • Value Proposition: Tokens hold utility within the network, encouraging circulation rather than hoarding.

Governance and Participation

  • Decentralized Decision-Making: Token holders can propose and vote on network changes.
  • Priority Access: Locking tokens may grant higher priority for resource allocation.
  • Community-Driven Development: Incentivizing developers to contribute and innovate.

Anti-Exploitation Measures

  • Balanced Incentives: Aligning rewards with genuine contributions to the network.
  • Security Protocols: Protecting against malicious activities and ensuring network integrity.
  • Transparent Policies: Clear guidelines to maintain fairness and trust within the community.